Creating a BIA workflow and adding it to a BIAFLOWS instance

Last updated: March 18st, 2020


BIAFLOWS workflows are Docker images encapsulating a complete execution environment together with a workflow addressing a BIA Problem. These Docker images can be compiled automatically online. BIAFLOWS instances automatically fetch new workflows and make them available from the user interface. Sample workflows running in ImageJ (macros and scripts), ICY, CellProfiler, ilastik, Vaa3D, Python, Octave and Jupyter notebooks can be found in this GitHub repository: The procedure to package a workflow and add it to a BIAFLOWS instance is described in this section. Users wishing to get help can write to forum or contact

BIA workflow requirements

Accounts requirement:

In order to create a new workflow, you will need to have:
  • A Github account, to store the code of the workflow and build it as a Docker image
  • A DockerHub account, to store the Docker image and make it available online

BIAFLOWS workflows must:

  • Run headless from command line
  • Take an input folder of 8 bit/16 bit TIFF (2D) or single file OME-TIFF (C,Z,T) images
  • Expose functional parameters and parse them from command line call
  • Export results to an output folder in a format specified for the Problem Class (see Problem Class, ground truth annotations and reported metrics).

N.B.: have a look at the worflow W_NucleiSegmentation-ImageJ to see an example of workflow

The workflow and its software execution environment are fully defined from a set of 5 files:
  • A Dockerfile configuring software execution environment (OS, libraries, software...)
  • The workflow executable or, more commonly, a script running on a BIA platform
  • A Python script (, sequencing operations (Docker image entry point)
  • A descriptor (descriptor.json) specifying workflow parameters and default values.
  • A .github/workflows directory containing a docker-image.yml script identical for all the workflows

A wizard is available to add new workflows. This tool is useful if you plan to add a new workflow for an existing BIA problem class and target BIA platform (e.g. Object segmentation 2D + ImageJ).

Please refer to: for details.

When using an existing workflow as template, check that this workflow uses the latest versions of biaflows libraries. For this, refer to this guide.

Workflow creation

1. Create a workflow GitHub repository and add trusted source

Create a workflow repository in a GitHub source trusted by the BIAFLOWS instance you plan to add the workflow to. The names of workflow repositories should start by a fixed prefix (W_ recommended since it is the convention used by BIAFLOWS online instance) and contain no space.

Connect to your local BIAFLOWS server (or sandbox server), click on Workflows tab and make sure that your GitHub and DockerHub accounts are added as trusted sources at the bottom of the page. For this, use the New trusted source button and fill in the information of your GitHub and DockerHub user accounts. Also set a Prefix matching the one you plan to use for your GitHub workflow repositories (e.g. W_).


2. Add the required files to the workflow repository

It is recommended to reuse existing files from similar workflow repositories. The following workflow types have already been tested: ImageJ / FIJI macro, ImageJ Python script, ICY protocol, CellProfiler pipeline, Octave script, ilastik pipeline, Vaa3D plugin, Python 2.X or 3.X script based on Scikit-learn, Keras, Pytorch and MXNet.

They are all available from:

The necessary files are:

  • A descriptor from the Problem Class you target (e.g. Object Segmentation)
  • A DockerFile configuring the BIA platform you target (e.g ImageJ)
  • A wrapper script from the Problem Class and the workflow type you target.
  • A file holding the workflow code (e.g. an ImageJ macro), unless some code is directly called from the wrapper script.
  • A .github/workflows directory containing a docker-image.yml script identical for all the workflows

The flag is_2d specifies if the images from the Problem hold two spatial dimensions (three spatial dimensions if set to false).

3. Update sections of the Descriptor

Workflow and associated Docker image names

	"name": "NucleiTracking-ImageJ",
	"container-image": {
		"image": "neubiaswg5/w_nucleitracking-imagej",
		"type": "singularity"
  • Update name to match GitHub workflow repository name (without prefix)
  • Update image to match the name of your workflow GitHub repository (lower case only)
Command line call of the Docker image

	"description": "Track nuclei in a time series by doing 3D segmentation.",
  • Description: Update workflow description
  • Command-line: Update parameter list (here last 3 arguments)
Workflow parameter sections

		"id": "ij_radius",
		"value-key": "@ID",
		"command-line-flag": "--@id",
		"name": "Radius",
		"description": "Radius of the Gaussian filter",
		"type": "Number",
		"default-value": 3,
		"optional": true

Update / add as many parameter sections as required to match the parameter list from command line call.

  • id: should match parameter name in command line call (lower case)
  • name: name that will appear in BIAFLOWS user interface (parameter dialog box)
  • description: context help in BIAFLOWS user interface (parameter dialog box)
  • type: "String" or "Number"
  • default-value: the default value in BIAFLOWS user interface (parameter dialog box).

4. Update DockerFile

If applicable, update the line copying the workflow from the GitHub repository to the workflow Docker image, for instance:

ADD NucleiTracking.ijm /fiji/macros/macro.ijm

If necessary, append commands to install additional required libraries/plugins to the execution environment.

5. Update wrapper script

Update workflow command line call in

command = "/usr/bin/xvfb-run ./ImageJ-linux64 -macro macro.ijm " \
				  "\"input={}, output={}, ij_radius={}, ij_threshold={}, ij_erode_radius={}\" -batch".format(
			in_path, out_path, nj.parameters.ij_radius, nj.parameters.ij_threshold, nj.parameters.ij_erode_radius)

Update/add parameters to match parameters defined in JSON descriptor (Step 2).

6. Adapt your workflow script

If applicable, adapt your workflow script to fulfil workflow requirements and parse parameters from command line. For instance for an ImageJ macro:

for(i=0; i < parts.length; i++) {
	nameAndValue = split(parts[i], "=");
	if (indexOf(nameAndValue[0], "input") > -1) inputDir=nameAndValue[1];
	if (indexOf(nameAndValue[0], "output") > -1) outputDir=nameAndValue[1];
	if (indexOf(nameAndValue[0], "ij_radius") > -1) GaussRad=nameAndValue[1];
	if (indexOf(nameAndValue[0], "ij_threshold") > -1) Thr=nameAndValue[1];
	if (indexOf(nameAndValue[0], "ij_erode_radius") > -1) ErodeRad=nameAndValue[1];

images = getFileList(inputDir);
for(i=0; i < images.length; i++) {

7. Reuse the .github/workflows/docker-image.yml file as it is

This file is identical for all workflows

name: Docker Image CI
    types: [published]



    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Login to DockerHub
      uses: docker/login-action@v1
          username: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}
          password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_TOKEN }}
    - run: echo "REPOSITORY_NAME=$(echo '${{ github.repository }}' | awk '{print tolower($0)}' | tr -d -)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
      shell: bash
    - name: Get the version
      id: vars
      run: echo ::set-output name=tag::$(echo ${GITHUB_REF:10})
    - name: Build the tagged Docker image
      run: docker build . --file Dockerfile --tag  ${{ env.REPOSITORY_NAME }}:${{ steps.vars.outputs.tag }}
    - name: Push the tagged Docker image
      run: docker push ${{ env.REPOSITORY_NAME }}:${{ steps.vars.outputs.tag }}

8. Connect DockerHub and the workflow on Github

On DockerHub

1- Sign in

2- Create an Acces Token to manage the access to the dockerhub account using the GitHub action mechanism


3- Set the token to Read & Write access and name it for instance BIAFLOWS_Token

4- Copy the token (value copied will be copied in Actions secret on Github)

On GitHub:

5- Back to the GitHub repository of the workflow, create 2 secrets DOCKERHUB_USERNAME and DOCKERHUB_TOKEN for the workflow repository


You should see the following Action Secret now:


With this configuration, the docker-images will be built and pushed to DockerHub for each new release created from the repository and BIAFLOWS will fetch the new releases if the related Github and DockerHub repositories were correctly added as trusted sources of the server.

9. Trigger a workflow release

Trigger a release from GitHub workflow repository with version tag such as v0.1, v0.2, v1.0...

10. Workflow Docker image build

Check from DockerHub that the workflow Docker image has built successfully. If not, parse the log and fix issues by modifying DockerFile and re-triggering a new release.

11. Add workflow to BIAFLOWS problem

Once the Docker image is built, a BIAFLOWS instance fetches the image from the trusted source and make it available (possibly after up to 5/10 minutes). Sign in as administrator to BIAFLOWS (or regular sandbox user) and browse to the Problem you want to add the workflow to. Then, click on the Configuration icon (bottom left of the side bar).

Search for the workflow (recently added workflows are on top of the list) and enable it. Older workflow versions can be disabled if this is an update to an existing workflow.


12. Run the workflow

Test the workflow by running it from BIAFLOWS / Workflow runs (requires execution rights).


If execution fails, read the execution log, update the code and trigger a new release.
